داستان آبیدیک

meta theoretical


1 فلسفه:: متاتئوری

META-THEORETICAL THIS handbook provides a forum for leading scholars in Organization Theory (OT) to engage in meta-theoretical reflection on the historical development, present state, and future prospects of OT. Notice that this is a meta-theoretical question: the object of analysis and debate in this volume is not a set of organizational phenomena, but OT itself. What is interesting to note from the early meta-theoretical attempts is their concern with creating typologies: they aimed at providing a map of the main theories of the field, teasing out their epistemological assumptions, rather than philosophically, historically, and sociologically scrutinizing key categories implicated in organizational research. Questions regarding the role of gender, race, ethnicity, the state, and professional bodies in the production of OT knowledge, as well as the rhetorical function of OT discourse to persuade particular audiences, have come to the fore in a way that early meta-theoretical accounts had not quite anticipated (Czarniawska 1999; Guillen 1994; Martin 1990, 1994; Nkomo 1992; Shenhav 1999).

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2 علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی:: فرانظری

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